Laws of Variation
Effects of Changed Conditions
I have hitherto sometimes spoken as if the variations — so common and multiform with organic bein...
Effects of the increased use and disuse of parts, as controlled by natural selection.
From the facts alluded to in the first chapter, I think there can be no doubt that use in our dom...
Habit is hereditary with plants, as in the period of flowering, in the time of sleep, in the amou...
Correlated variation.
I mean by this expression that the whole organisation is so tied together, during its growth and ...
Compensation and Economy of Growth.
The elder Geoffroy and Goethe propounded, at about the same time, their law of compensation or ba...
Multiple, Rudimentary, and Lowly-organised Structures are Variable.
It seems to be a rule, as remarked by Is. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, both with varieties and species, ...
A Part developed in any Species in an extraordinary degree or manner, in comparison with the same Part in allied Species, tends to be highly variable.
Several years ago I was much struck by a remark to the above effect made by Mr. Waterhouse. Profe...
Specific characters more variable than generic characters.
The principle discussed under the last heading may be applied to our present subject. It is notor...
Our ignorance of the laws of variation is profound. Not in one case out of a hundred can we prete...