The History of the Assassins
Translated from the German by Oswald Charles Wood, M. D.
Translator's Preface
The Translator has been induced to present “The History of the Assassins” to the British Public a...
Book I
Introduction—Mohammed, founder of Islamism—Exhibition of its doctrines and of its different sects...
Book II
Establishment of the Order of the Assassins, and Reign of the first Grand Master, Hassan Sabah. ...
Book III
Reign of Kia Busurgomid, and his Son, Mohammed. Kia Busurgomid, who had been the general and Dai...
Book IV
Reign of Hassan II., Son of Mohammed, the Son of Busurgomid, known by the name of Ala-sikrihi-es-...
Book V
Reigns of Jelaleddin Hassan III., Son of Mohammed Hassan II.—and of his Son, Alaeddin Mohammed II...
Book VI
Reign of Rokneddin Kharshah, the last Grand-master of the Assassins. The crimes of the society o...
Book VII
Conquest of Bagdad—Fall of the Assassins—Remnant of them. In the fall of Alamut, the centre of t...
Khitati-missr-lil Macrisi (Arabic). The Topography of Egypt, in 2 vols. folio, in the Imp. Libra...
Note A. After giving a view of the dogmas of the Ismailites, Rousseau adds:—299 “Such were, sub...